We offer Trade-in discounts on many of our Electric Golf Trolleys.
How does it work?
- Once you have chosen your preferred model, choose “Yes” from the drop down menu “Would You Like To Trade-In Your Old Golf Trolley?”
- The relevant discount will now be removed from the price.
- Click on “Add to Cart” and proceed to Checkout where you can complete your purchase.
- Once you receive your new Trolley, remove it from the box and check that you are 100% happy with your purchase.
- Place your old trolley in the box
- Please then email or phone us to tell us the make and model of your old trolley, and when would be a convenient day for us to send a courier to collect it. This can be any week day, and from a place of work if this is more convenient for you.
Your old golf trolley can be manual or electric, and in any condition.
If you think that your golf trolley is worth more than the Trade-in discount being offered, please fill in our Golf Trolley Trade-in Quote Form and we’ll get back to you with a quote.
Click Here to View our Range of Electric Golf Trolleys
Please note: Due to the logistics involved, we can only offer Trade-in discounts to customers in the UK or Ireland
If you have any questions or queries about our Trade-in discounts, please do not hesitate to contact us:
Email: info@lambeggolfshop.com
Phone: 0844 357 8882
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Anonymous (verified owner) –
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Geoff (verified owner) –
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Simon Jones (verified owner) –
Ralph Young (verified owner) –
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